Reply To: The slowly disappearing community school of old.

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues The slowly disappearing community school of old. Reply To: The slowly disappearing community school of old.


Haimy: You wrote “Think of names like Yeshiva of Brooklyn, Torah Vodaas, Chaim Berlin,” I am not sure what time period you are referring to but not mentioning three other mosdos, that of Yeshiva Toras Emes when it was in Boro Park and led by Rabbi Elias Schwartz A”H, Prospect Park led by Rabbi Avrahom Kelman A”H, and Bais Yaakov of Boro Park led by Rabbi Oscar Ehrenreich Shlita is a disservice.

All of these institutions were led by individuals who worked with parents on all issues including if students were not the “best” and if parents couldn’t pay full tuition. I think the amazing fact is that all the institutions mentioned were led by talmidim of R’ Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz or were directly influenced by some of his decisions.