Reply To: Calling cops on frum neighbor

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“Some posters think everything is a Chumra – there’s no such thing as Halacha.”

wait, so when sombody is missing it is also assur to call the police?

Otherwise your comment is a non-sequitor. Mamele was responding to LC’s critique that police werent called in a kidnapping situation. She replied that callign police earleir wouldnt help. You agreed then added “Some posters think everything is a Chumra – there’s no such thing as Halacha.” which leaves me puzzled, what halacha would have been violated had police been called earlier (again I am not saying ti would have helped)

“Yelling and screaming doesn’t necessarily constitute “raglayim ledavar””

nodod yhere suggested callign eveytime yo uehar yelling a nd screaming (though the OP said “shreaking”) the discussion is what to do if you hear yelling and screaming and suspect soemthing “terrible is going on” but arent sure.

“is to be near certain you have cause for alarm before calling the police”

the exact reverse is true. yo uhave to be near certain NOT to call the police. If the police show up and turns out it was the TV after all what do people think will happen? (Im really asking waht is the harm in having police stop by, how many people do you think get arrested because they were auditiong for a play or had TV or even had a non-violent arguemtn and neighbors called the police thinking the worst, is there even one example of such a thign happening? IS this such a real concern? )
IF the police dont show up it wasnt the TV…