Reply To: The RCA Are Outta Control, And Do NOT Speak For Me

Home Forums Controversial Topics The RCA Are Outta Control, And Do NOT Speak For Me Reply To: The RCA Are Outta Control, And Do NOT Speak For Me


“The Antifa/Black Lives Matter/Extreme Left-Wing have killed multiple police officers and other innocents.”

At charlotsvile?

“He said that within the rally there were NON-white supremacists/NON-NN that are nice guys and were there to only protest the removal of the monument.”

If you are along side Neo nazis you are not a “fine guy” period. Even if it is a rally in support of pizza. IF it is a neo-nazi rally supporting pizza, “fine guys” arent found there.
And this was a “unite the right ” organized by and for neo-nazis it wasnt a civil war history buff rally. PEople didint drive hundreds of miles out of love for southern heritage. You are deluding yourself and misrepresenting what this rally was.