Reply To: Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions?

Home Forums In The News Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions? Reply To: Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions?

Lilmod Ulelamaid

I didn’t read/watch the article, since judging by the title, it sounds like something we are better off not watching/reading.

But I have one comment: Either they were following Daas Torah and doing the right thing, or they weren’t. That is something that I think that we probably have no way of knowing even if we read/watch the video/article. Even if seems obvious that what they were doing was either right or wrong, chances are that there is missing information.

In any case, regardless of whether or not it’s obvious that what they did was either right or wrong, which I certainly am in no position to judge, the one thing that I want to comment on is as follows:

The heading of the article, “Chareidi Extremists…” is incorrect and extremely offensive. It gives over the message that their behavior is extremely Chareidi, and it is thereby giving the message that this is what being Chareidi means, and they are giving a very negative view of Chareidim.

Even though I haven’t seen the video, it is pretty clear from the title that they are presenting the Chareidim negatively.

If they did not act in accordance with Daas Torah, then they should not be called “Chareidim”. The title should be “People protest..” If they were acting in accordance with Daas Torah, then they are Chareidim and not Chareidi Extremists.