Reply To: Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions?

Home Forums In The News Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions? Reply To: Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions?

The little I know

With all due respect to free speech, plus the obligation to be מוחה when someone is violating halacha, I have nothing but disgust for these demonstrations. They do nothing except for gaining attention in the goyishe media, and the behavior of the protesters (from either side) will be scrutinized to where there is almost a guarantee of chilul Hashem. Having strong opinions about something does not trash the issur of chilul Hashem. It might have made sense of a consensus of Rabbonim placed an issur on patronizing his store, or did something to insure that phones sold there are either with filters or otherwise “kosher” phones. BTW, speaking lashon horah on “kosher” phones does not render it muttar. So what is the real issue here?