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Home Forums In The News Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions? Reply To: Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions?

The little I know


Just because something is permitted by American Law does not mean is the right thing or a good thing to do. We have a rule of דינא דמלכותא דינא, but that does not mean that we can venture into the designated gender specific bathroom just because we feel (fe)male that day. But it is recognized under American law!

The issue here is zealotry. We need major strong leadership to undertake that. There have certainly been such leaders around. Although we have failed to find anyone with the appropriate “plaitzes” for quite some time. There is unquestionably a chilul Hashem factor to address, besides chilul Shabbos. There is also a capital issue of whether this move is more important than staying home and learning. It is also debatable whether this drama helps the situation. Sure, it draws attention. But that does not solve the problem at all. There are hundreds of other cell phone stores, and one can easily buy phones and plans online without entering the brick and mortar establishment. Have we accomplished anything by this circus?

I would have been satisfied to see that the owner of the store should be ordered by Rabbonim to sell only kosher or filtered phones to his Jewish customers. This high profile action will not limit access to smartphones. It will only embarrass the owner of the store, and probably cause him other hardships. Is that what we should be doing? During Elul?