Reply To: Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions?

Home Forums In The News Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions? Reply To: Chareidi Extremists Protest On Shabbos Outside Home Of Store Owner…’ opinions?

Lilmod Ulelamaid

SYAG – sorry, but I don’t see how either of your meshalim fit. Regarding the pharmacy mashal – the Ritalin, etc are kosher for some people which is why it’s okay (and necessary) to sell them.

If we are talking about unfiltered Smartphones, is there anyone to whom it would be okay to sell it? And is there any reason why they can’t filter the phones before they sell them? (I am deliberately phrasing this as a question – I haven’t read the article, so perhaps there is an answer to these questions.)

And regarding McDonalds, if it’s a Frum Jew who owns or works in the store, yes, that is terrible and yes there should be protests. In Eretz Yisrael, people protested when there were treif McDonald’s. Even Rebbetzin Machlis a”h, staged a protest, despite the fact that she was the model of Ahavas Yisrael.