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Avram in MD

Syag Lchochma,

Comparing it to interrupting shmona esrei is beyond apples and oranges.

I did not see the context in which a comparison to interrupting davening was made in this thread, but I learned that a woman is permitted to interrupt her Shemoneh Esrei for her crying baby, although she should first try distractions like snapping fingers.

The two sides could only be”
Nursing in public – COMPLETELY COVERED vs
no nursing in public – even tho you are COMPLETELY COVERED

anyone implying that tznius allows for exposure is probably either pushing an agenda or having some parenting struggles

I agree that those are the two positions in this argument that would be consistent with a frum lifestyle, and will place myself in the former camp (with caveats). That said, I have a big problem with the attitude and motives of a shopping mall storekeeper who has no problem with immodestly dressed women wandering his store, but harasses a mother who is quietly nursing her child. To me, the discrepancies in the response of such a storekeeper is reflective of a perverse culture. And people like the storekeeper are the reason so many states have laws protecting nursing mothers in the first place.