Reply To: (Men’s) Mikvah Halachos

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim (Men’s) Mikvah Halachos Reply To: (Men’s) Mikvah Halachos


Sorry for not responding earlier. I don’t have access at night. The Shach over there is only quoting the gemara about the reason for showering being part of the 18 gezeiros. Those 18 gezeiros (well the first 10 or so at least that are about tumah/tahara) are all talking about tahara for teruma and kodshim. That is not what men are doing today. We are all possul for teruma and kodshim anyway. Everyone in today’s world has tum’as meis, which makes them at least a sheini, and most likely a rishon. There is no tahara for that without parah aduma. And even those who think they are doing tevilas Ezra, if they were really doing it for that – are they makpid to wait for bias shemesh to complete the tahara? Or do they walk out of the mikva feeling spiritually rejuvenated, but not much of a halachic impact? Not that it makes a bit of difference anyway. We pasken like R Yehuda ben Beseira that divrei Torah are not mekabel tuma (Ha’idna nahagi alma k’hani t’lasa sabi). So Tevilas Ezra in only relevant for Teruma and kodshim, once again see above.
And anyways, the entire 201 is talking about Tevilas Nashim, not men.