Reply To: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas πŸ’ƒπŸΈπŸ·πŸ•Ί

Home Forums Simchas Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas πŸ’ƒπŸΈπŸ·πŸ•Ί Reply To: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas πŸ’ƒπŸΈπŸ·πŸ•Ί


Joseph: perhaps if there was more mingling at weddings, the shidduch crisis wouldn’t be as bad. R’ Breuer zt”l wrote in a letter that he encouraged mixed seating especially for younger people, as mitzvah goreres mitzvah, and shidduchim could come about at a wedding.
As for your point about a man walking into the women’s section – you are wrong, the women don’t need to stop dancing. The man has an obligation not to be there, and he should leave. It’s on him, not on the women.