Reply To: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas πŸ’ƒπŸΈπŸ·πŸ•Ί

Home Forums Simchas Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas πŸ’ƒπŸΈπŸ·πŸ•Ί Reply To: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas πŸ’ƒπŸΈπŸ·πŸ•Ί


DaMoshe hit the nail exactly on the head.

this is a unique Concept in this last generationonly… The idea of making sure that young men and women never, ever meet. In my parents generation, Orthodox, yes, Orthodox synagogues had a single dances so that couple’s might meet, Mary and build Jewish homes. In this generation, we are doing everything possible to prevent Jewish homes from ever being built.I understand that allowing men and women to meet might, heaven forbid, lead to something like men and women talking to each other…which might lead to mixed marriage lo aleinu! all that the extreme separation has done is helped perpetuate the shudduch crisis.

So what should you do? Make an announcement that asks MORE single young men and women to cross the mechitza.