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There are some wonderful gems on the tapes of Rav Avigdor MIller, zt”l, that can be found not in the regular lectures, but in the open floor Q&A at the end of the shiur.
Q: Rabbi Miller; Why are there so many mitzvos not to oppress and bother an almanah, but nothing regarding a gerusha? Aren’t they both undergoing the same challenges of single motherhood?
A: Because 99% of divorces are the woman’s fault.
At this point you can hear serious shuffling in the background, mumbling and grumbling from the audience, like a rebellion is about to launch.
Rabbi Miller continued, “And in case you think I am anti women, I will add that 99% of divorces are the fault of the man. There are maybe 1% extreme cases on either end that are the fault of only one spouse. However, in the vast majority of cases, both parties are at fault and both could have done things to salvage the relationship.”
Virtually exactly what Enough Divorces said.