Reply To: What’s up with Kosher Shampoo?

Home Forums Health & Fitness What’s up with Kosher Shampoo? Reply To: What’s up with Kosher Shampoo?


My point regarding “Bitul” is that a) in any case there is a Bitul here and is no diff than what they regularly do ..b) Yes, there are ramifications on how and what “bitul” should be applied, we are not discussing the typical ‘bitul’ case. e.g we know “Ain meVatlin Issur leKatchilah”sometimes Hefsed Merubah is used to be maikol etc.


“Bishul Akum” – I’m not saying there is actual “bishul Akum” but there a lots of Kulos in terms of Bishul Akum. e.g. relying on a pilot lights etc. which is constantly used in Hechsherim that are far off premises.

My main point is, that the way modern processing, globalization (ing. coming from all ends of the globe) and the nature of the food industry is setup, there are always difficulties that arise, and Heterim and Kulos are constantly used in order to produce. Ask anyone involved, I am no expert.

So if you want to really be Machmir on something like using Shampoo (or water) have a good look on what you are eating first. If you won’t use any shampoo – don’t eat any commercially processed food as well.