Reply To: DEAL BREAKER: Wicker furniture

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Joseph: You submitted your post before getting a chance to read mine.

To sum it up, for someone with severe dust allergies, wicker is a big trigger. I also don’t fabric furniture. Unfortunately, I have one upolstered fabric chair at home that I cannot wrap in plastic. When I had fabric-cushioned dining room chairs, I covered them with Contact Paper. And yes, it was not a sightly look. Eventually I just got rid of them.

The secret to my home furniture is that it’s discreetly covered in plastic. Only after the plastic, do I then disguise the pieces with machine washable fabric covers.

RebYidd23 mentioned spraying the wicker, which may still result in a bumpy texture. Bumpy furniture has more nooks for dust mites. Perhaps paper mache made from plastic would smooth it out before taking the task of painting the wicker. That’s a lot of work.