Reply To: Pre-Yom Kippur Request from the helige Coffee Room Posters

Home Forums Yom Tov Yom Kippur Pre-Yom Kippur Request from the helige Coffee Room Posters Reply To: Pre-Yom Kippur Request from the helige Coffee Room Posters


LU (continued)
4. “I was waiting for someone to say something to that effect.”
glad to help!
though there was no need to wait R” Zweibel said it long before this thread began

“It is possible that Hashem would have given him even more money.”
Of course its possible It is also possible that he is now richer (though he will get punished, unlike your narrow definiiton of hishtadlus, schar veonesh IS one of the ikkurim (#11) and I am not aware of nay maclhokes on the general principle, though the details are disputed)

You repeat “Our only job is to keep halacha.”
Again though if lives will be saved it isnt neccesarily againt halacha.

This simplistic view led you to the wrong conslusion regarding mesira when a neighbor is at risk as well. It isnt agaisnt halacha if a person is at risk. When people are beign abused it isnt agaisnt halacha to publicize it.
And even if it was “kaasher avadati avadati” read the Meforshim about Aaron collecting money to build an Eigel.