Reply To: Pre-Yom Kippur Request from the helige Coffee Room Posters

Home Forums Yom Tov Yom Kippur Pre-Yom Kippur Request from the helige Coffee Room Posters Reply To: Pre-Yom Kippur Request from the helige Coffee Room Posters



Im sorry if I implied that isnt a valid view
The Rambam in Moreh fmaously disagrees. (Is this really news?)

By the way in addition to the two different issues you deleinated above. Even in your first point. There are two points that you mushed together
You write your point as ““hishtadlus that goes against halacha does not help”
The 2 points are
1) does it accomplish anything ( Iassume this is what yo umena by help)
2) IF it does accomplish anything is it still forbidden to do the act. (See discussions about an averia lishma for example Lot’s daughters in Nazir, not that anyone in any case we alluded to has doen anything lishma)

This is aside from what you view as a second point as to this specific case is assur
although even within that second points there are different things to consider
1) is there any tzad issur (for example if it was already known)
2) does it remain assur if the benefits outweigh (this is different though similar to point #2 )

More to the point though the quesion really is if disagreeing with any of these is kefira