Reply To: Sukkah built in an area which requires a city permit but no permit was gotten

Home Forums Bais Medrash Daf Yomi Sukkah Sukkah built in an area which requires a city permit but no permit was gotten Reply To: Sukkah built in an area which requires a city permit but no permit was gotten


In the alte heim the antisemitn ym’s in some municipalities tried to stop us from building Succahs. So they made a regulation requiring a permit for any outdoor structure. And the permit incurred prohibitive fees and took many months to be approved. And even then they found technicalities to deny permits.

But unzere chevra, in keeping the mitzvos, built our Succahs anyways, without a permit. Of course the antisemitn local inspectors ticketed the Yidden — and, per municipal regulations, gave them 10 days to remove the unauthorized structure to avoid penalties.

Ah Yid gibt zich an eitzah!