Reply To: Sukkah built in an area which requires a city permit but no permit was gotten

Home Forums Bais Medrash Daf Yomi Sukkah Sukkah built in an area which requires a city permit but no permit was gotten Reply To: Sukkah built in an area which requires a city permit but no permit was gotten


Gadolhadorah – Just as some chassidim don’t make Havdalah until 2AM to hold on to the feel and kedushah of Shabbos as long as possible …sort of like your goyishe neighbor who leaves the X’mas lights up until mid-February

Ahem. There is a world of difference, obviously. Not making Havdalah until 2AM is not simply about the ‘feel’ of Shabbos. There is a “מצוה רבה להוסיף מחול על הקודש”. Please do not compare a Kiyyum Mitzvah (probably d’oiraisah) to a lazy goy who cannot be bothered taking down his decorations.