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To Yekke22
“Please do not compare a Kiyyum Mitzvah (probably d’oiraisah) [as in 2AM havdalah] to a lazy goy who cannot be bothered taking down his decorations…..
Perhaps consider a reference to a goy without the pejorative adjective….it will make you a happier person. The point being that we have as many “lazy” yidden who don’t take down their succah until tu
bshvat which I can assure you is NOT kiyyum mitzvah–either d’oiraisah or d’rabbonon….On late Shabbos, the large percentage of yidden make havdalah reasonably close to the z’man simply because they have lives and obligations for family, work etc. If you have the luxury of not having such obligations, then its a real luxury to be able to relish Shabbos kodesh for a few addtitional hours.