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GodalHadorah: Perhaps consider a reference to a goy without the pejorative adjective….it will make you a happier person. The point being that we have as many “lazy” yidden who don’t take down their succah until tu
bshvat which I can assure you is NOT kiyyum mitzvah–either d’oiraisah or d’rabbonon….
I’m only responding simply as “lifnim mishuras hadin” in והייתם נקיים.
Of course I wasn’t insulting non Jews, nor was I stereotyping. I was just explaining the difference between your examples: You equated ‘chassidim [who] don’t make Havdalah until 2AM to hold on to the feel and kedushah of Shabbos’ to ‘your goyishe neighbor who leaves the X’mas lights up until mid-February’. I explained the obvious difference: The motivation to keep Shabbos for longer comes from an admirable חביבות המצוות, where they want to be מקיים more mitzvos. The motivation to keep the decorations up for longer – much like keeping a Sukkah up – is simply the “can’t-be-bothered” taking it down.
I was clearly not stereotyping anybody, nor being offensive about any religious distinctions.
Perhaps stop considering any reference to a goy a pejorative adjective. It will make you a happier person!