Reply To: Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem? Reply To: Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem?


I was at many a protest in Yerushalyim in the 90’s.
All were attended by gedolim. All were announced in advance and thus did not grossly inconvenience people. All had tehillim and tefilla on the agenda.
As opposed to these. None attended by gedolim. Inconvenience is the objective. Instead of tefilla , we have fists and kicks.
I do not believe for one second the gedolim (including Rav Auerbach, who by the way, I used as a posk in EY, though I dont claim to know him well other then shaylos we asked to him since we lived near by) condone these violations of Halacha. Yom kippur is not m’chaper for ben adom l’chavero and there are definite damages in these protests.
Personally I find it disturbing that you can believe that gedolim are happy with this.