Reply To: Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem? Reply To: Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem?


The only hypocrisy here are by those who condemn Peleg but refuse to condemn the civil disobedience by the Gush Katif and other Israeli settlers, Mr. Kahane and the JDL, etc. You, Phil, are not guilty of this hypocrisy as the others are. But it was worthwhile pointing out that they (not you) are condemning those they consider to be too frum for protesting while ignoring others who they philosophically are more in tune with. Hence my asking them to condemn Kahane, JDL, Kach, Avi Weiss, OO and the others who get themselves arrested for various endeavors they protest. From their expressed position they should have condemned those, but haven’t. From my consistent position, as expressed in my previous comment, I correctly and authentically speak in favor of Peleg for the aforementioned reasons.

Where you are wrong, Phil, is in falsely insinuating any form of violence by these Bnei Torah who are simply carrying out the instructions their Gedolei HaTorah advised them. They are peaceful protesters.