Reply To: Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem? Reply To: Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem?


I am glad that Yekke made a good point about the distinction of the chilul Hashem (Every discussion needs a clear thinking yekke to cut through to the heart of the issues).
I personally think both issues are a chilul Hashem although the first is much more minor. Try and think things fromthe perspective of a secular Israeli. Chances are they either served in the army themsleves and lost a friend or relative in the army. To hear chareidim complain that they don’t even want to register would make they blood boil. There is no mention in these protests even a hint of hakoras hatov to those that do serve in the army. If these hashkafos were done in a gathering off the streets it would cause some anger but not as much.
The second isssue is where we have the major chilul Hashem. Can you imagine how much the hatred of chareidim this is causing to not only Peleg but all Chareidim. The only outcome will be a anti-chareidi backlash in the entire country, eventually the government and eventually less boys in Yeshiva. It is worthwhile looking through history and figuring out when protests effect positive change-what were the methods of protest and why did they work. I can not imagine how this is in any way “good for the Jews” whether you agree with them or not