Reply To: “Ask Your Local Orthodox Rabbi”

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar “Ask Your Local Orthodox Rabbi” Reply To: “Ask Your Local Orthodox Rabbi”

Avram in MD


The prescriptive “should” applies equally to adhering the advice of my rav when opining on matters of halacha and adhering to the advice of a respected physician on matters of medical care etc….

Fine – so why didn’t you write it that way from the get go?

the point is obvious.

Those darn Jews who don’t get the point.

I don’t ask my doctor to paskan on arba minim nor do I ask my rav to paskin on my EKG.

Straw man. Nobody’s going to his or her rav to get an EKG evaluated (unless the rav happens to be a cardiologist). Jews do go to the rav for shailos surrounding a diagnosis. And maybe a bracha for health or a refua.