Reply To: Replacing Talis and Retzuos (on Tefilin)

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Replacing Talis and Retzuos (on Tefilin) Reply To: Replacing Talis and Retzuos (on Tefilin)


Obviously depends on several factors. First and most obvious, a big difference if you daven with tallis/tfillin daily (x/Shabbos/yom tov), replacement will be more frequent than someone who is less frum. For YWN readers, who most likely are the “daily” users, a second factor is simply your own personal habits in putting on talis/tfillin. The reality is some of us are simply “harder” users and put stress on the materials than others in the ways we put on/take off. Third, climate and storage make a big difference (dar/dry cool versus sunlight and UV/ high humidity/high temperature). Finally, the quality of the materials and workmanship in the original tallis/tfillin is a big factor. Even though “kosher”, there is a big difference in the range of products that are sold.