Reply To: Is A Jew Permitted To Celebrate Halloween?

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No. Unless you accept anecdotal stories that were never written or spoken,”

They were both written and spoken.
Rabbi reisman has told the Rav Pam story. I believe the r yaakov anecdote is in his biography cowritten by his son.
As far as holiday gifts there are teshuvos on the subject with many matirrim. As you well know starting with the terumas gadeshen through the modern day.

“And even if you do accept all that, as I explained above, there are so many more gedolei yisroel with the opposite opinion (based on the logic used to ascertain these apparent opinions.)”

Unless they turned away children it proves nothing.

“You do whatever you want if you’ve “never heard of any one assuring”, without asking a shaila?”

What. No? I’ve asked many times including to R Dovid who you were motzi Laz about.

“Do you also put up a Christmas tree before or after Dec. 25, so long as it isn’t up on Dec. 25 bo b’yom?”

What? No why would I what are you talking about?

” Can you mark Palm Sunday so long as you don’t do so on the actual Sunday?”
I’m not sure what that means. Yes I shook a palm frond a few weeks ago though if it isn’t palm Sunday it isn’t marking palm Sunday. Your question doesn’t make sense

“Why are you afraid of asking a shaila??”

I’ve asked as mentioned. R’ Dovid was incredulous that anybody would think giving candy on Halloween was assure.

You are free to disagree you are not free to say it has no support