Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur

Home Forums Family Matters Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur


@Joseph “Give actual names and actual quotes of poskim that disagree and then we can talk. All we have now is five Gedolei Poskim against and none on the record for.”

This argument is not very strong. Every one of the Gedolei haPoskim who hasn’t said it is ossur obviously holds it isn’t ossur, or he would have a chiyuv macho’oh and would have been mitztaref to the kol koreh above. You could perhaps argue that they hold it isn’t lechatchilo, and their wives don’t use hair sheitals (I don’t know). However many respected choshuve Rabbonim’s wives wear hair sheitals – they may not be the Gedoley haPoskim but one would expect them to at least know and keep what the Gedoley haPoskim say.