Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur

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Dance/ Joseph:

Sorry, but All your comment seem to agenda-based. We know that there are many Osrim on Pe’ah Nuchris, and have different opinions of why it is Assur and why we need to cover in the first place. All yours, Joseph’s and others reasons, are all based on the opinion that prohibit it .
However, we rely on the Poskei Hadoros:
The REMA in “דרכי משה, who quotes the ,שלטי הגיבורים who clearly allows in Reshus haRabim – wearing NATURAL hair. There are no IF’s and But’s to their psak. Following their opinion are the:
מגן אברהם, לבוש, פרישה, אליה רבה, “שו”ע הרב, מחצית השקל, ביאור הגר”א and others
I hope you understand the magnitude of these Poskim, as anyone trying to rule differently — ידו על תחתונה.
In terms of Halacha, these are The Poskim that makeup the majority! Joseph is welcome to start bringing a pile of Admorim, stories and local recent poskim – it does NOT change the fact that the above Poskim are the final Authorities in ALL aspects of Halacha ומימיהם אנו שותים!

Yes, there are many later Achronim that do prohibit it, as for why? or when is really beyond the scope of this post.
However, I will just summarize in short:
Basically, there are two components to covering hair, one is biblical (termed Dat Moshe) and one is ‘Dat ‘Yehadis’ which is basically an act of tzinius that Bnos Yisrael accepted upon themselves, and that part is mostly ‘relatively minhag based’ and has constantly been changed, updated in the course of time, or with the change of different regions. E.g. in the Rambam’s times girls covered their hair as well, and so is it in the Shulchan Aruch in E”H, as that was the custom of ‘modesty’ at the time, even among non-Jews (i.e. Muslim countries – as was the recent Yemenite minhag).
Later, as of 1800’s early 1900’s, wearing a wig was uncommon (as per SHU”T Divrei Chaim of Sanz) and only “pritzus” women wore wigs, even in Germany – anyone seen with a wig was thought of as going ‘uncovered’ (especially, that many frum women in Russia and Poland did go uncovered at one point – see Rav Shlomo Kluger responsum, Magen Geborim ch 75 due to gezeros) and was against the accepted Minhag at the time.

Whereas nowadays, wigs are easily available and, most Charedi women don wigs, therefore there is no reason why one would think one going as ‘uncovered’, and once the Minhag has been accepted, there is automatically no Dat Yehudit .

Hence, all poskim you quote are IRRELEVANT!