Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur

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There are a few issues here.

1- Rav Moshe already paskened 40 years ago that sheitlach are muttar and Indian hair is not an issue since those hairs from the temple don’t come to market. Rav Wosner and Rav Elyashiv were the daas yechidem and the velt followed Rav Moshe.
2- there are people that love to denigrate this generation’s posek hador Rav Belski and not put him in the same league as others in Israel. Rav Belski in many ways is undisputed since he is the only to truly investigate each case on his own before issuing a psak. We know unfortunately that gedolim rely on third parties for informational and at times unscrupulous people gave misinformation to further ones agenda.