Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur

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“That is exactly the issue – extremism is taking over!
Do I need to be frumer than the wives of the Chazon Ish and The BRISKER Rav?!
It is definitively 100% kosher leHalacha – what are you comparing? why are you insisting?!
Perhaps we should go back to the Rambam that Girls should cover their hair? Where does it end? Do we need to go like the cult of Lev Tahor…in Burkas?”

Thank you Gaon for proving my point.
Anyone who calls a tichel extreme is showing complete ignorance about the mitzvah of kisui rosh and is going against the words of Rav Elyashiv, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and many more Gedolim ( who encouraged tichels and whose wives happened to wear tichels, you have selective postings) and insulting women who are trying to grow in tznius.
It’s unbelievable that people could put the word tichel in the same sentence as burka.

Does your wife wear a wig like the Chazon Ish’s wife or the Brisker Rav’s wife? If so, kol hakavod to her.
But the reality is that most women arent wearing wigs like that today.
No one is insisting that women wear tichels- but it should be respected and accepted as the ideal head covering- both halachically and hashkafically- and a viable option for frum women in frum circles