Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur

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“Anyone who calls a tichel extreme is showing complete ignorance about the mitzvah of kisui rosh ”

Let me be clear,
If you will care to look again at my post… This was written in response to someone else – not to you nor to very concept of wearing a tichel. Rather, it was against the “methods” of one suggested, one who seems to constantly be on a world of his own and, always on the extreme side.
I have no issue with someone trying to elevate her kedusha, nor does it irritate me, what irritates is trying to “insist” others when they are following clearly the accepted Halcha. Especially when that person has no backing and, hasn’t responded or proven anything…
There are much more important issues that need chizuk, things that go against all halachik barriers!