Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur

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“This is the basis of Rav Ovadia Yosef’s brilliant teshuva, how the shiltei Giborim never meant for wigs to be worn outside and Rov poskim (ashkenaz and sephard) did not allow the use of wigs – therefore it is forbidden. It aways amazes me how so many ignorant people will just dismiss the word of a halachic genius like Rav Ovadia Yosef who was able to be lenient in all areas- Yet he couldnt find a halachic heter for the wigs.”

Before I respond let me clear, no one denies Chacham Harav Ovadia’s Gadlus, I happen to have gone through many of his works in יביא אומר and others including this one in Vol 5, I don’t know why it should be a factor, this is how he understood that concept and most poskim including the Mishnah Brurah, Rav Moshe, the Chazon Ish and Brisker Rav ZTL understood differently.
— כבודו במקומו מונח
but this is not how Torah and psak works.

To be cont.