Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur

Home Forums Family Matters Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur


I was not only talking about Sephardim – I was pointing out how fortunate for the Sephardic world that they have such clarity on this issue.
My main focus on this whole thread has been the modesty issue, the wigs today are by no means modest.
Most of them are nicer than ones own hair- defeating the entire purpose of the mitzvah.
See: Chofetz Chaim in the preface and in the fourth chapter of the book Geder Olam where he writes: “It is obvious and clear to everyone that the meaning of the law of ‘kesui rosh’ – is ‘tzniut’ – modesty …. One of the reasons why women walk with their heads uncovered is – ‘yetzer-haRa’ which “encourages the woman to adorn herself and attract attention with her hair; and for that she will answer in the future.”
From the words of Chofetz Chaim we see that (1) the gist of the commandment to cover the hair is – modesty, and (2) that it is obvious, and (3) that the hair of the married woman makes her more attractive and that is why they must be covered. Today’s wigs are more beautiful than one’s own hair and the fact that people “know” that it is a wig, does not in any way kill the ‘yetzer-haRa’ for another man’s wife – a human nature perseveres in men.