Reply To: Saying Mashiv HaRuach in the Southern Hemisphere

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Saying Mashiv HaRuach in the Southern Hemisphere Reply To: Saying Mashiv HaRuach in the Southern Hemisphere


“You are still missing my main point. We are not asking for rain by saying Mashiv Haruach; ”

No I got that and I replied:
“1) slonimer also asked regarding “Vesein Tal Umatar ” – in which we do ask for rain and in the Southern Hemisphere they start asking for rain shortly before Summer begins. ie Dec 4/5
2) As you might know Mashiv haruach while not a tefila for rain is only recited during the rainy season (in E”Y) hence Slonimer’s question ” – in which case slonimer’s question remians , as does my point about there not being a rainy season

not from rain in nyc. Let those who live Ulster county daven for rain.
(Im being partly facetious of course we need rain my point is it isnt literally tied to when we need it ie the idea of a rainy/dry season isnt relevent to us just as it is “backwards” in the southern hemisphere )