Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur

Home Forums Family Matters Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur Reply To: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur


Here’s 90% of this thread in a nutshell:

Side A: Shaitels are assur because there are so many poskim who say they’re assur, and it makes no logical sense that they should be muttar, because they look exactly like real hair, and therefore anyone that wears a shaitel is transgressing a terrible issur.

Side B: Granted there are many poskim who say shaitels are assur, and it might not seem to make sense, but there are also many reliable poskim who say shaitels are muttar, and apparently hold that the fact that shaitels look like real hair is not an issue, and therefore the people who wear shaitels are doing something which is completely acceptable.

(I disregarded the first part of the thread which discusses avodah zarah because that’s a completely different issue)