Reply To: Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch? Reply To: Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch?

🍫Syag Lchochma

No bad side, just felt you were taking the r’ elyashiv ztl example and making a point with it. No, they may not be quoting r elyashiv but the real topic was other gedolim or talmidei chachamim besides just their own RY, which they certainly do. And they ca even ID rabbeim from the chassidishe velt. Over focusing on it being about rev elyashiv diluted the point.

Nice to see ya again, stay a bit this time.