Reply To: Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch? Reply To: Does “Chasidish” refer to both Satmar and Lubavitch?

Sechel HaYashar


Secondly, when I wrote about Torah knowledge of Chabad women, I specifically used the word “many” as not to exclude anyone. I haven’t gone around testing women in Crown Heights and Lakewood.
Thirdly, I wasn’t going to write that line at all, but decided to in respect of ChabadShlucha, who does seem on the learned side. Fourth, many many Chabad women have learned the entire Rambam (Yad Hachazaka) several times. I’m not showing superiority, I am stating fact. I have the utmost respect for all Yiddishe Kraizen, and in no way believe that Chabad is “the exclusive path”. I do believe one has an obligation to study about the greatness of Hashem, and contemplate on it, (See Sh”A Orach Chayim 61) and learning Chassidus is a great way to accomplish that. I respect Gedolei Yisrael, and in fact the Chafetz Chayim in particular is greatly revered in Chabad, the Rebbe zy”a spoke of him in glowing terms. The Rebbe had extensive communication with many Gedolei Yisrael of the past generation, and the love Harav Moshe Feinstein ztz”l had for the Rebbe is well known, he even started wearing Rabbeinu Tams tefilin daily at the Rebbes request. So please, look at the facts instead of blindlessly hating other Yidden, Yireim Ushleimim.