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First of all buddy, you live in a neighborhood that, unlike Chabad, absolutely dissociates with any outside influence, so who you calling a cult? To the point where your community literally has an ongoing crisis because if parents are not 100% in-line with the “standards” their children have nowhere to go to school. So, from a place where non 100% compliance is considered apostasy, it’s pretty hard to take your cult accusations very seriously.

Second of all, if, and I say if, because you haven’t established any proof, Chabad is isolated from the Yeshivish world, I wonder who’s to blame? Hmmm, perhaps the group that from the inception has called the other heretics (and, *gasp* a cult) despite the lifestyles, adherence to Halacha, limmud ha’torah, and avodas hashem being 99% similar is to blame. Maybe the group that’s most noted leaders have put the other’s in cheirim is to blame. Perhaps the group who’s leader withheld visas and funds intended for the other’s bochurim, virtually sentencing them to death, is to blame. So yes, Chabad is isolated from the yeshivish world (despite the relationship only getting stronger imho), but that is by design of early yeshivish leaders.

Third of all, as others have mentioned, but it bears repeating: COL is a) a garbage site, b) a *Chabad* garbage site, and c) pretty much only read by Lubavitchers, and about Lubavitch. When Yated publishes a profile of a kollel or kiruv rabbi in a city, and doesn’t mention the shluchim that have been there for years longer (and occasionally, depending on the author, insinuating that this is the only frum org in town) does Chabad have a right to get offended? No, Yated is a yeshivish publication for yeshivish people.