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“Emunah is NOT an emotion. That would validate every belief system out there. Emunah is rooted in absolute knowledge. Much as the uman (aleph – mem – nun) KNOWS his profession, so too the one with emunah (its root being, once again, aleph – mem – nun) is one with complete KNOWLEDGE, NOT FAITH-based and certainly not emotion-based belief, of HaShem’s existence”

Actually, emuna is based in the heart, not the mind, so that makes it an emotion. And that’s why women are stronger with emuna, because emotion is a woman’s strength. There are emotions that are irrational, below logic. And emotions that are suprarational- above logic. Emuna is the latter. And to prove it, that’s why yedias hadhem and emunas Hashem are counted as two separate mitzvos. Yedias Hashem- you need to lea re n as much as you can understand about Hashem and as much as makes sense. Emunas Hashem- you need to believe in whatever is too lofty for you to understand.

That’s why no one says I believe the is a sun-because you know it, so you don’t have to believe it.

Arguably, the way to properly fulfill these two mitzvos, is by learning chassidus which teaches all about Hashem in an understandable fashion and teaches you what there is about Hashem that is above our understanding.