Reply To: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha

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Neville ChaimBerlin

It would make more halachic sense to permit clapping for applause, but not for music. However, you are correct; Chabad is not alone in that one. My point was more that Chabad encourages people to deviate from their minhagei avos even where serious issurim are involved.

We are supposed to be able to fit 2 batim in the space between the hairline and baby-bump. This is objectively impossible with Chabad tefillin.

I could see why you would want to brush off the Benedictine controversy:
This is not just a kashrus disagreement. Lubavitchers consume it because the Rebbe drank it. Most of us prefer our mashgichim to be alive. It is very likely that the willingness to hold by a dead mashgiach goes hand and hand with the belief in a dead moshiach.