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@mdd1 first of all: yes, you would be fulfilling your obligation of Limud Torah by learning Tanya and Chumash (even if nothing else). They are as much Torah as any other Torah. Second, it’s a common misconception in the Litvish world that chassidim (not just Lubavitch, but nowadays it’s specifically charged against Lubavitch) don’t learn gemara.

Yes, Lubavitcher yeshivos have a seder for Chassidus from 7:30 am to 9:00 am and from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm. The rest of the day is spent gemara b’iyun, gemara b’bakiyus (which they call gemara b’girsa), and halacha. They use the same kovetz meforshim you use, and learn all of the same rishonim and achronim you learn. Believe it or not, they even have roshei yeshiva that are big time talmidei chachamim.

The Yeshiva world has full right to be proud of their tremendous dedication to limud gemara, but the insinuation that Lubavitch doesn’t learn anything but Tanya is transcends pride, and sounds a lot like gayva.

Lastly, again you didn’t explain about the hisnagdus to Lubavitch, you just continued with baseless name-calling. Telling Lubavitchers that gedolim isolated them because they are like christians is not nearly as poignant an argument as you think it is.