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November 25, 2017 11:02 pm at 11:02 pm
MoshiachChat and Chabadshluchah, 2 things:
1. Quoting different Gedolim who said big compliments about the Rebbe carries little weight- they were were very nice and humble people who would compliment other Rabbis.
2. MochiachChat, even if an Achron says a pshat in something and a learned person (who is not officially a famous Rabbi) finds it very shver, he is allowed to disagree (depending on the circumstances). Reading a Rambam about Moshiach is such a case. It is very straightforward. Plus, the Rebbe was not known as a huge Gadol ba’Torah on the level of Rav Aharon Kotler or Rav Akiva Eiger.