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What u said about Reb Yoel is absolutely not true. I don’t really blame u because this stems, in large part, from a term(meshichist) which is a shrouded in confusion. Reb Yoel disagrees with the method of the meshichistim, not the truth of what they are saying. Chaim Dolfin had many conversions with Reb Yoel and wrote in his book(Attack on Lubavitch) as much. There are a few familiar names amongst Lubavitchers and who kno Reb Yoel and people close to him who say that Reb Yoel has a political opinion and personal one. In addition I know people who studied by Reb Yoel after gimmel tammuz who told me that he believes the Rebbe is still moshiach. Most telling tho, is that I have access to a copy of an article he wrote after gimmel tammuz where he defends the idea that the Rebbe can be moshiach. I have it and have seen it with my own eyes. In there he says chabad chassidim need to believe the Rebbe is moshiach, but nonLubavitchers don’t.

Regarding your point about scaring people away from Lubavitch, I’m sorry to say that there are plenty of things the Rebbe said to publicize even if people get upset or to ignore their reactions. Practically tho, how many people are pushed away from Orthodox Judaism because of rules, age of the world, female/male roles, and shomer negiah? We don’t care what the world thinks here nor should we. A lubavitcher listening to his rebbe is no different. Especially when this inyan was blasted on live tv in front of millions of people at the Super Bowl for the whole world to see. Additionally, people asked to publicize this idea and were given positive answers from the Rebbe. What’s more, not everyone is pushed off. Plenty of people enjoy these inyanim. It’s not so clear cut as u make it seem.

Thirdly, I’m not here to tell people the Rebbe is moshiach and convince them of it. I’m here to defend that it is a kosher belief for whomever may hold it. Now please explain to me how showing lubavitchers are kosher to a bunch of people with a lot of questions or rude things to say about Lubavitch is worse than letting them think it about people who are going to continue believing it anyways? How does that make sense? And just what are u doing here? Spreading love?Please tell me how allowing people to have access to Lubavitchers is worse then letting them hear half truths from non lubavitchers and get these terrible ideas about us? I mean look at this thread? Why shouldn’t I try to help clarify? It’s not like there is peace until I start talking. It’s a mess and I’m just trying to give whatever answers I can so that we can stop fighting. And I’m hoping u will forgive me for any attitude I’ve given u, but if we are at the point where allowing people to think badly and Lubavitch is more acceptable than giving answers in an attempt to help people feel better about lubavitch then what have we come to? Also this chat presupposes such discourse is possible. If u have come to challenge that, then u have come to the wrong thread