Reply To: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha

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The little I know

The insanity of this subject still behooves me.

Chabad chassidus has a history of making emunas tzaddikim into something quite extreme. They have been accused for generations, long before the birth of this last Rebbe ZT”L as deifying their rebbe. I possess testimony to that.

I can give anyone here a blanket guarantee that my Avodas Hashem will NEVER improve the tiniest iota if i were to believe that the Rebbe is Moshiach. It would improve if I were to engage myself in following Taryag Mitzvos in a stronger way, more kavvanah, etc. Limud Hatorah is precious, and it does not include the hours and days of time spent in fabricating explanations to justify the obsession that forms the subject of this thread and another one like it. I provide my guarantee that wearing a Yechi yarmulka will not hasten the geula. I also would oppose the singing to the chair stuff, regardless of whether during davening or after, as it represents a diversion from the focus on HKB”H to a bosor vodom. To a greatly smaller degree this exists in other factions of Klal Yisroel, other chassidishe groups, and even some yeshivos. It is a bizayon and chilul Hashem, and our generation should stop replacing Kavod Shomayim with aggrandizing its leaders.