Reply To: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha

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🍫Syag Lchochma

I believe that you (unintentionally) are causing Hashem much agmas nefesh and I will call you out on that. I have respect for you as a fellow Yid and a Lubavitcher, but I have no respect for the part of you that thinks that doing what you’re doing is somehow being moisif Kavod to the RSH”O. Which is exactly what I and some others have done as well and were called haters and bashers. I’m sorry if some of you don’t understand why Lubavitch ways are (even more clearly now) problematic to many of us but you all should be willing to accept and respect that in the same context as SH’s comments above. It is not fair for people standing up for Torah to be called haters for having hashgofic disagreements and (generally) stating so respectfully.
The posts that are hateful are obviously so, and can be discounted by both sides. The nasty sly comments, digs and cutting remarks that are being fired, but with a big smile, against misnagdim (as you’ve declared me) is much more hate filled than legitimate disagreement with a derech that goes contrary to what we know to be right. If I disagree with you, even if I believe that your ways are black and white knegged Torah, that STILL does not give you the right to call me a hater of Chabad. one has nothing to do with the other.