Reply To: Why Are Gedolei Yisroel Silent Or Complicit In The Peleg Demonstrations?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Why Are Gedolei Yisroel Silent Or Complicit In The Peleg Demonstrations? Reply To: Why Are Gedolei Yisroel Silent Or Complicit In The Peleg Demonstrations?


I did not mean for this thread to become an extension of what seems to be an ongoing exchange of insults and venom that seems to have become the norm over the past week or so beginning with the chabad threads. My question is simple and targeted. Do you think most of the other gadolim are simply clueless as to the disruption, property damange and public safety threats posed by the Peleg demonstrations because they aren’t allowed access to the TV and internet media, don’t leave the confines of their beis medrash and areotherwise insulated from reality by their gabboim or is it that they simply are fearful of offending the small cadre of the Rabbi Auerbach zealots and don’t want their own yeshivos and mosdos to be drawn into the conflict or they actually are supportive of this chaos but are willing to let Rabbi Auerbach take the heat.