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Moreover: “a prophet about whom another prophet testi ed that he is a prophet” – as it is regarding the leader of our generation, and this continues in the following generation through his disciples etc. – “behold it is established that he is a prophet, and the second one does not need inquiry”113; and he must be obeyed imminently and immediately even “before he shall make a sign” and “it is prohibited to have second thoughts about him and have doubts about his prophecy, that perhaps it is not true, and it is prohibited to test him more than necessary, as it says114 ‘you shall not test Hashem your G-d as you tested [Him] at Massah’… Rather, once it is known that he is a prophet they shall believe and know that Hashem is in their midst and they should not have second thoughts about him…”113. This is because we believe the words of a prophet, not because these are the words of the prophet, rather because these are the words of Hashem through this prophet!
[[They are] not even the words that Hashem had said through a second prophet, but were not said to him].
[Hence,] there is the instruction as mentioned above, that it must be publicized to all the people of the generation, that we have merited that Hashem chose and appointed a person of free-will[114], who in his own right is incomparably superior to the people of the generation, that he should be the “judge” and “advisor” and prophet of the generation, who will issue directives and give advice regarding the Service of all the Jewish people and all the people of this generation, in all matters of Torah and Mitzvahs, and also in regard to the general day-to-day life and conduct including [advice and directives] in [matters of ] “in all your ways (you shall know Him)”
and “all your deeds (shall be for the sake of Heaven),115”
Including the main prophecy – the prophecy116 that “immediately to redemption” and literally immediately “Behold, he (Moshiach) comes”

“Not [being said] just as a sage and judge rather as a prophet, which [therefore] it is de nite – see short discourses of the Alter Rebbe p. 355-6.”