Reply To: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha

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There are 2 paths here.

Path One. The Talmudai Chochamin among Chabbad will interpret the teachings of Lubavitcher Rebbe in a way that is in line with normative Judaism. They will do this even when it means saying an interpretation which is forced. They will also guide their talmidim to a more integrative approach with the rest of Klal Yisroel. They will do this because they are true Talmudai Chochamim, are amailim B’Torah, and we know that in the end the light of the Torah will bring them to good.

Path 2 is self evident to anyone who has been following this thread.

While this is getting worked out there is going to be good, sincere people who will be honestly confused.


Glad you o see your back. I want to apologize again for taking such a condescending tone in my response to your earlier post.