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I am certain that there are cases where people with shuls in homes are crossed the line in disturbing their neighbors. But what is happening in Jackson and elsewhere is not because of that. Even when the frum Jews are very careful to be quiet, to not park on the street, or when the minyan is in commercial space, they still receive tremendous pushback and government harassment. Neighbors call and complain about non-existent minyanim, about excessive parking on the street when there is none or little (far less than they have when they host parties). The only item you listed that might apply in most cases is “People who live in Suburbs do not want people congregating on a residential street.” But that is nonsense, because it doesn’t bother them when people gather for the things they like to do, like parties. It only bothers them if people congregate for worship different from theirs. And if the frum Jews are careful, which they should be and usually are, the neighbors suffer no harm whatsoever. It is all in their heads.

I don’t think it is anti-semitism per se. It is a fear of the other (non-conventional churches and mosques often face similar discrimination), of having the character of neighborhood change to that of a strange religion. But this is America, and people are free to move wherever they like. If they don’t like it, they can move and take advantage of the rising home prices that Orthodox Jews create.