Reply To: Where can Israeli Jews escape to in case of emergency?

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Where can Israeli Jews escape to in case of emergency? Reply To: Where can Israeli Jews escape to in case of emergency?


@Spreadthetruth- Are you guys nuts? Im not spreading any propaganda I dont live in Israel and dont have an agenda to tell everyone to move there. As you can tell by my comments never mentioned any of that. Why do you feel you are so safe amongst the goyim in their land? THAT is where the false sense of security is not in Israel. Again Israel currently is also golus but at least it is the land where no one can “rightfully” say that you don’t belong. Anywhere else they can. If there was a war, Israel has an army of Jews that wants to protect other Jews. That is the least we can do. In America or anywhere else it is a non jewish army many who might have negative feelings towards Jews and might not want to protect Jews in the streets from Goyishe riots and violence against Jews in case of anti Semitism. And then where will you escape to? Will you have a choice?
Stop with the victimized helpless attitude of relying on living in goyishe lands where you feel protected. Of course we appreciate every moment of freedom but stop acting like someone is promising you that without change! Throughout the years we have been brutally beaten and killed, kicked out and almost exterminated out of all the lands in which were considered empires and in which we had much success in. This cause jealousy and fear against the Yidden which led to that outcome aside from “gezeiros fin shamayim.” Just look at the PRESENT day Europe and England look at the rise of anti-Semitism, look here in the United States of America where swastikas are freely appearing everywhere, homes, college campuses, shuls all the more frequently and with no fear of consequence. You are talking like a blind sheep being led to the slaughterhouse if you feel safe in a goyishe land without fear or even a chance that it might change.